Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Latter-Gay Saints

This past weekend co-editors and authors, Gerald S. Argetsinger, Jeff Laver, and Johnny Townsend introduced their new anthology, Latter-Gay Saints, at the Sunstone Symposium. Featuring stories about characters who are both gay and LDS, it includes works of short fiction by all three editors, as well as Levi S. Peterson, John Bennion, Carol Lynn Pearson, and ME! (If I do say so myself.) Click here to order this great read.


  1. Congrats on inclusion in this anthology!

    1. Ahab, thank you. I truly am honored to be included alongside these talented authors.

  2. Just purchased the kindle version. Going to start reading in 3, 2, 1...

  3. Awesome! Congratulations, Donna. Definitely going on my wishlist.

  4. Too cool, that's how cool it is. I'm currently without a credit card because I've been a victim of credit card fraud (B of A has been great and immediately removed the phony charges, all of which were bizarre and not very big, in places like Australia and the UK) but I'm sans credit card until my new one arrivs in the mil. I'll order the book when I have the capacity to do so.

    1. Yuck! Sorry Alexis. This is happening to so many people I know. Very scary, I'm glad that B of A caught it.
