From: Mark Crawford
Subject: Surviving Fast and Testimony Meeting
Dear Donna,
Mother called last night to tell me that she's visiting the first weekend in November. By now Mother has come to terms with the fact that I live with a man and that I am no longer active in the church. (Only when I told her I didn't think the church was true anymore she responded with, "Oh p-shaw.") Nevertheless, she will no doubt expect Byron and I to do the three hour Sunday marathon with her, including the dreaded Fast and Testimony Meeting.
Upon learning this frightening news, Byron mercifully mixed a pitcher of martinis, and together we created the following "survival game."
Fast and Testimony Mad Libs
I would indeed be __adjective__ if I didn't stand today and __verb__ my __noun__. At this time I would like to publicly thank my Heavenly Father for all my __plural noun__.
Lately I have been persecuted by some of my non- __noun__ co-workers. They mock me because I wear sacred __plural noun__ under my clothes, don't __verb__ or drink __liquid__, refuse to have more than one piercing in my __body part__, won't have __bodily function__ outside of __proper noun__ , and believe that I can one day become a __noun__. Finally I drew up my courage and bore testimony of the one and only true __noun__ . They felt the __noun__, and their __plural body part__ were softened.
I am reminded of my __cardinal number__ great grandfather who was __verb__ by an __adjective__ mob, then forced to cross the plains with nothing more than a __noun__ and __noun__. At least he had his faith in __proper noun__ and a knowledge of the Book of __humorous fictional character__ to sustain him.
I know the church is __adjective__. I know Joseph Smith was a __noun__. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a __noun__ of __noun__ who __verb__ the church today.
And finally, brothers and sisters, if I have offended any of you, __verb__ my __body part__.
In the name of __your favorite comedian or cartoon character__, amen.
I testify to you, Donna, that this game, when paired with multiple martinis, is a deeply spiritual experience. Will see how it compares with the real deal with Mother.